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Fort Scott Presbyterian Village resident has tested positive for COVID-19

A resident at Fort Scott Presbyterian Village has tested positive for the novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19).

The resident first noticed symptoms August 12 and immediately sought testing. We were notified early yesterday morning that the test had come back positive. The resident is being cared for in isolation per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and PMMA protocols. Fort Scott Presbyterian Village has designated a block of rooms in which to care for residents who have tested COVID-19 positive and designated a special COVID-19 response team who is providing care. The resident will remain in isolation until symptom free in accordance with CDC guidelines. If it becomes necessary, the resident will be transferred to a local hospital for additional care. At this time, the resident is reportedly doing well.

“Keeping our residents and staff healthy continues to be a top priority for Fort Scott Presbyterian Village,” said Jeanne Gerstenkorn, PMMA’s vice president for health and wellness and chief infection preventist.

The Bourbon County Health Department has been notified and recommends building wide testing, which has commenced. We will follow the health department’s recommendations for quarantining as well.

We will follow CDC and KDHE guidelines for when the resident may come out of isolation. Under the current guidelines, symptomatic residents may come out of isolation when at least 72 hours have passed since resolution of the resident’s fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and the resident’s symptoms have improved and at least 10 days have passed since symptoms first appeared. If asymptomatic, the resident will remain in isolation for 14 days. Rapid Response Team members are following doctor’s orders for treatment protocols and following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) infection prevention protocols.

Our reopening plans are on further hold, with restrictions in place on group dining and activities and continued restrictions on visitation.

We encourage all staff members to follow CDC guidelines and best practices as these are continually updated. We have been screening employees as they enter the community building for a shift and before employees have any direct contact with residents. We educate all staff to stay at home if they are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory illness or not feeling well.

For more information about Fort Scott Presbyterian Village’s response, go to PMMA’s (Presbyterian Manors of Mid-America’s) website,

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