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What Are Your Dreams?

Most people have something in their lifetime that they have always dreamed of doing or seeing. Regardless of age, having a desire to fulfill a personal dream is prevalent among all.

When we asked our seniors, “Is there one thing you would still like to do in your lifetime?” we received a variety of answers, but many of those dreams we heard sounded absolutely possible for us to help fulfill.

This prompted our leadership team at the Fort Scott Presbyterian Village to put their creative minds together to figure out a way to fulfill our residents' dreams. This will be accomplished through community partnerships, family member’s participation, and our staff’s dedication to our seniors.  

Our “A Dream Fulfilled” program will kick off with the New Year, and each month we hope to fulfill at least one dream.

Residents Janet Braun and Shirley Hildebrand both have a dream to ride in a new Cadillac. Please contact us if you have a new Cadillac that you have obtained within the last year, or you know someone that would be willing to share their new caddy with us for a short ride for these young-at-heart ladies.  

We will also reach out to the car dealers in Southeast Kansas if we don’t find one otherwise, in hopes they would be willing to partner with us to fulfill this wonderful dream.

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